Some say "A picture is worth a thousand words".
Well, here at THE VILLAGE we think a picture with a few words is worth a thousand pictures.
(Not exactly sure what the math works out to on that but you get the [wait for it] p-i-c-t-u-re...)
Here are two memes that Michele and I recently came across that said it all for us.
What emotions does each one elicit for you?
One thing we learned is
there is a H-U-G-E demand for workshops and makerspaces for artisans, creators and all types of small businesses who want more work/life balance.
Said another way, more passion and less J.O.B.
Our mentor and coach says J.O.B. means 'Just-Over-Broke'.
B-R-O-K-E isn't just financial.
It can mean out of passion, out of F@cks to give, out of patience, out of balance and eventually Out-Of-Time.
Think about that for a minute and let it sink in.
Workshops and Makerspaces are a great way to help you do more of what you love and love more of what you do.
Truth: Your passion is almost certainly marketable.
Question: Why not 'monetize' that fire in your belly?